Grace for Addictions: $25
A One Step Program is 13 lessons on how to be free from addictions. If you can be addicted to alcohol or drugs, you can be addicted to the Truth of God's Word. Once you are addicted to His Truth, you remain free forever.
Institute of Self-Worth Volume I & II: $40
The Institute of Self-Worth is a Bible School on DVD taught by Pastor Vic Porter. Each volume has a disc for the printed notes and a signed diploma for those that finish the course.
Ofensas Prestadas / Borrowed Offenses (in Spanish): $13
Our latest publication on Borrowed Offenses has just come out in Spanish. It's in its second printing.
Borrowed Offenses (Book): $13 - a best seller!
Offenses are Satan's #1 weapon against the saved and unsaved. Learn how offenses start as a seed and grow with the purpose of full control, and learn how to get rid of an offense. This book has changed 1000's of lives!
Leadership Principles: $13
Leadership Principles Series 1 has been out since February 2023, and it's already in its third printing.
The Bundle: $100
Our Bundle Package includes all the curriculum and the book Borrowed Offenses. This is a savings of $27 over individual prices.
My Cup Runs Over: $25
Living a Life of Refreshment is 18, 15 to 18 minute sessions designed for Sunday School, home Bible studies, rehabilitation programs, and personal study. Topics include Borrowed Offenses, Healing the Broken Hearted, and Your Identity Produces Your Self Worth.
Online orders can be purchased through PayPal (no charge for shipping). Mail orders are accepted and will be processed once we receive your check. Make checks payable to Vic Porter Ministries and mail them to 115 N. Tuscany Drive, Hollister, MO, 65672.
Flash Drive: $25
Our flash drives contain all of Volume I, Volume II, and Grace for Addictions